You worked hard at school growing up in India. You developed strong technical skills that are highly valued in the USA. You left your parents and siblings and took a job 10,000 miles away in San Diego.You’re earning a good living based on salary and stock options.
Somehow, even with all your success, life is still getting more complicated:
You have growing responsibilities at work. Your family is growing: you’re married with children. And your parents are aging.
What happened to YOUR dreams?
You used to keep up regularly with your interests outside of work. Music. Meditation. Yoga. Running. You used to think about joining a startup, Or working for a smaller company, with more direct impact.
But now you feel compelled to work harder.
You’re losing touch with yourself. And you’re at risk of burning out.
You can’t burn out! Too many people are depending on you!
In the past, your work ethic carried you through all challenges. That was when you were young, and single.
Now you are experiencing the challenges of “full catastrophe living”
And it’s time to get some help.
You are not alone
San Diego is home to thousands of engineers originally from elsewhere, and who wake up in mid-life realizing… it’s gotten complicated.
Many of these engineers are turning to Dyer Wealth Management for their financial planning needs.
Why? Because Dyer specializes in working with Qualcomm engineers originally from India.
We act as an accountability partner for clients who recognize that you can’t always solve your problems just by working harder.
You need a partner who protects you from yourself. You need a plan that incorporates your whole life – the full catastrophe!
That includes your family responsibilities in India, and here in the USA
With provisions to raise bi-cultural children, who have options to study and work here or abroad
That builds in the work-life balance you need so you don’t burn out
Making sure to reward you for all the hard work and deferred gratification
While diversifying you away from concentrated stock positions - or concentrated cash!
Fill out the form below for “Lessons Learned from Qualcomm Engineers Originally from India”, and I’ll be happy to share the strategies Dyer has employed with your colleagues….
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